Butylphthalide is a clinical first-line drug for repairing nerve damage caused by stroke in China. It is a synthetic racemic n-butylphthalide, which has the same structure as natural L-apigenin A. Clinical research results show that butylphthalide can improve the damage of central nervous system in patients with acute ischemic stroke, and can promote the improvement of neurological deficits in patients. Animal pharmacodynamics studies have shown that butylphthalide can block multiple pathological links of brain injury caused by ischemic stroke, has a strong anti-cerebral ischemia effect, and can significantly reduce the infarct area of focal cerebral ischemia in rats , relieve cerebral edema, improve cerebral energy metabolism and microcirculation and blood flow in ischemic brain area, inhibit nerve cell apoptosis, and have anti-cerebral thrombosis and anti-platelet aggregation effects. Butylphthalide may exert the above-mentioned medicinal effects by reducing the content of arachidonic acid, increasing the levels of NO and PGI2 in cerebral vascular endothelium, inhibiting the release of glutamate, reducing the concentration of intracellular calcium, inhibiting free radicals and increasing the activity of antioxidant enzymes. .
- Chinese Pinyin : dingbentai
- Molecular Formula : C55H23N6S+.C4H9O6S2.0.65C4H10O6S2
- CAS : 6066-49-5
- Molecular Weight : 758.55
- Traits : White or off-white or lump; odorless, easily deliquescent
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